New Beginnings

We started school back this week and many changes have been made. Zeb is now 6 so while he sat in our school days in the past, he is now an active participant. I realized that the last few years our school days have been tailored to Kathryn and Graham and Madelynn was just along for the ride. I want she and Zeb to get my time and the beautiful stories that Kathryn and Graham had when they were younger. We still have our “morning time” all together which encompasses: Bible, prayer, scripture recitation, a read aloud, poetry, hymn singing (all these happen daily) and then a rotation of Shakespeare, artist study, composer study, folk song, and Solfa. It’s our favorite time of the day where many beautiful conversations happen and with Zeb, lots of laughter. After this time, Zeb and Madelynn have some time to play while I work on math with Kathryn and Graham. Then Kathryn and Graham are sent off to read assigned books that they will narrate, either written or orally. During that time, I dive in with Madelynn and Zeb for math and read beautiful stories about history and nature and geography. It was so special having this time with them today. We meet back up for a walk before lunch and a reading all together during lunch. Each child has a day where they get time alone with me for 30 minutes after lunch, Monday through Thursday. We wrap up our day with a Spanish lesson and they get several hours of “free time” while I focus on dinner and my to-do list. I’m sure we will tweak the schedule as we go but we are all excited for this new routine.
Today was full because laundry needed to be done and bread and yogurt needed to be made. I am hopeful that tomorrow will be less busy with those large tasks done for the week! I also refilled my homemade taco seasoning today (I love the art it makes in the process), I pickled carrots, cooked two rabbits, made a seminole pumpkin soup and finished yogurt.
Some fun things that happened: About an hour into our school day, Zeb looked at me with weary eyes and said “When is my play time again?” Then I asked him to narrate what I read and he told me about the previous reading. He was so confident and it was quite funny! Madelynn acted out what I read in 50 famous stories for Adam when he got home and Graham told Adam all about the Science in It Couldn’t Just Happen. It was a successful first day back (it wasn’t perfect and there were frustrations along the way). I am looking forward to the conversations I will have with Kathryn and Graham about their independent readings and the time I get to spend with Madelynn and Zeb, curled up with beautiful stories that I love!

They finished up the evening playing Star Wars Monopoly. Tuesday we continued with the new schedule, making adjustments as the day progressed.

Wednesday and Friday are our busy days when we are out of the house more. Wednesday morning I have a precept Bible study and the kids spend time with both of their grandmothers for piano lessons, crafts and sewing. We are back together for lunch and a few school items and then ballet for the girls and chess club for the boys is Wednesday afternoons for an hour. We come back home to finish up any school before heading to church for our small group meetings.

This past Wednesday we had a community service project instead of ballet/chess club. We have an environmental center in town that has 100 native trees, all labeled. In honor of Florida Arbor Day this coming Friday, they were relabeling the numbers on the trees and they asked for help. It is one of our favorite places for nature study so our co-op volunteered to help. It was a beautiful day and the kids worked so hard with their hammer and nails.

Friday is co-op and this month we are studying local hibernating animals and how they differ from hibernating animals in colder climates. It was a blustery cold January morning with wind gusts 20-30 mph but the kids were troopers.

October in pictures

Happy New Year

I know it has been awhile since I have posted. I’m hoping to be more consistent going forward! Whether it’s the mundane of day-to-day life on the homestead or specific things I am accomplishing, I would like to post more often. The kids and I recently traveled a little to see different sets of family: after Christmas we went up to my parents cabin in Warm Springs. We had fun playing Christmas Olympics with 2 sisters and their families and my parents. I took more videos than pictures but here are a few. I wish I could show you the video of my Mom sliding down a hill on a piece of cardboard and couch cushion. She narrowly missed a tree.

A few days after the New Year, we drove to Panama City to visit my Aunt and Uncle who live there as well as my other Aunt and Uncle who were visiting from NC. It was a day trip but we made many memories.

Yesterday the girls and I drove to Sneads (near Tallahassee) for our nephews’ fiancé’s bridal shower. For those of you that know me, I’m done traveling for a long while!

We start school tomorrow and we are all looking forward to getting back into a routine! Here are a few more pictures over the past few weeks and I’ll post soon pictures from the last three months.
Kathryn is almost as tall as me and is quite the young lady. Zeb always has a cat with him. Grandma took them squirrel hunting and they were able to tour a replica of the Pinta.

Delicious food: I hope you aren’t hungry

Making memories

The weather has been cool in the mornings and evenings but mid-day it is still around 80 degrees. We went and had lunch with Adam at the park one day and the kids swam afterwards. The water was freezing but they had a blast.

The boys went fishing with my Mom one evening and Zeb had his first piano lesson with my mother-in-law. They will cherish these memories!

My sister and nephew came in to town recently and spent a few afternoons making memories with them. We went to the beach one day (we had a school of dolphins swim within ten feet of where we were swimming) and kayaking another afternoon. We laughed a lot.

The kids love to carve pumpkins in October and the pigs and the goats love getting to eat the flesh and seeds.

13 and 9

My MIL made bought denim jackets for them and then added lace that has been passed down in the family. So special!

The girls’ birthdays are only ten days apart and this year, both sets of grandparents were out of town on Kathryn’s birthday. So we had a family party celebrating them together once everyone was available.

On Madelynn’s actual birthday we took a kayaking trip down Yellow River. We have been in a season of drought and the river was very low. What should have been a 3 hour trip took 5 hours. We spent a lot of time dragging the kayaks over sand bars or around fallen trees. We all switched places and kayaks multiple times. But the weather was beautiful and we made memories!

Houston, we have a teenager

If you know Kathryn, this is a typical face of hers and I love it!

We have now entered the teenage years and so far, I love it. Yes, there are challenges as with any season of parenting. And there are definitely changes. But I love my first-born and I am so thankful for our relationship. We had so much fun celebrating her. In mid-September we took her to a friends’ place on the Choctawhatchee Bay. It was just the three of us for 24 hours and then she and I were able to stay a second night and have some girl time. It was a lovely time.

On her actual birthday, we had a party. She wanted a book party (shocking, I know). Everyone was supposed to come dressed up as their favorite book character and bring food from their favorite book. We made bookmarks from old books, played games, ate good food and fellowshipped. There was also a book exchange; everyone went home with a book! It was a wonderful way to celebrate her.

A few days after her birthday we had a girls day. It was Aliza’s gift to Kathryn. Lunch out and a visit to a local bookstore where she could pick out two books. It was so special.

In early October, my Mom took her out for a girls day to celebrate Kathryn. I don’t have any pictures but they had a great time. I’m excited for this new season with Kathryn. I know it will stretch me as a Mom but I really am so thankful for her. We spend a lot of time together and she can read me like a book. She loves to make me laugh especially when I am stressed. It’s such a blessing watching her grow into a young lady.

August/September in pictures

No-waste Wednesday: assortment

This week the focus is going to be little things that we either do on a daily basis or ways the kids get creative. Zeb made tuna fish today for lunch. He took the drained liquid and fed it to the cats. Then he took the empty cans and let the dogs lick them clean.

Kathryn is reading a book series called The Ranger’s Apprentice. The kids have been playing “Ranger” and making bows and arrows and practicing their archery in the backyard. She wanted a cape like the Ranger in the book. She found old t-shirts of hers that were too small or that she didn’t wear and she made a cape. She pulled out her embroidery needles and floss, cut the shirts how she needed them and sewed the pieces together. (Her sewing stuff is at her grandparents house).

She finished it!

A few weeks ago, my yogurt didn’t set quite right. It tasted delicious but it was the consistency of buttermilk. Instead of throwing it out and giving it to animals, we used some for baking. Then I had a great idea: if it’s the consistency of thick milk, why not make ice cream? We made it and it’s the most delicious ice cream we have ever eaten. From now on, we will use more liquid yogurt for ice cream! And of course, homemade caramel sauce!

See you next Wednesday!

We started fermenting the animal feed. It soaks for two days (being stirred twice a day) and then I strain it. The pigs get the liquid that is strained off in addition to their fermented feed. We have happy animals!!!!!

Sushi night

We have dear friends that our evenings together are always centered around really good food. We grill meat together, have pizza nights and most recently we had a sushi night. It was such a fun night of trying new things and even the kids were open to trying new things.

As you can see, we love cooking with friends. Adam and I also love cooking together. Breaking bread with friends is wonderful but it is so rewarding to spend an evening not just eating with friends, but creating beautiful food with wonderful friends. At then end of the evening, the kitchen is a mess, the kids are running around playing, the adults are content and enjoying conversation….it’s a beautiful thing. I would encourage you to try it! Get some friends together and enjoy making and eating delicious food.